- 始業前にスタッフ全員が検温し平熱である事を確認し従事しています。
- 作業・調理間は手洗いとアルコール消毒を逐次行っています。
- 終日マスク着用で作業・調理しています。
- 店内は換気を充分に取り、エアコンは終日稼働させています。
- テーブル・椅子その他店内の手が触れる箇所は逐次消毒しています。
- ご来店のお客様には先ず平熱の確認をして手指の消毒をして頂いています。
- お席はテーブルを間引きして間隔を取り、収容人数を制限しています。
開花屋 by the sea
Our Efforts for Infection Prevention of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)
- All of our staff members check their temperature before starting to work and engage in the work after making sure that they have a normal temperature.
- We wash our hands and perform alcohol sterilization as needed during the work/the preparation of meals.
- We work/prepare meals with wearing a mask throughout the day.
- We fully ventilate our restaurant and turn on its air conditioners all day long.
- We sterilize tables, chairs and others in our restaurant as necessary which can be touched by the hand of people.
- We first make sure that those guests visiting our restaurant have a normal temperature and then request them to sterilize their hands and fingers.
- We have removed several tables to secure an appropriate distance from each other, limiting the number of customers in our restaurant.
As stated above, we are operating our business while giving the highest priority to the safety and security of our guests. Accordingly, all of our employees would be much obliged if you could visit our restaurant and enjoy our meals to your satisfaction. We will continue to make the above efforts until this situation ends completely. We very much ask for your understanding and cooperation.
KAIKAYA by the sea