旬のおすすめ|in season!

Title: 新メニュー
Fri 08th Dec 2023 [17:13]
Name: kaikaya bts
We made a prototype of the "Four Kinds of Potatoes and Scallops" menu that we will start next. These Hokkaido potatoes are a new species, but is it any surprise that they taste even better than they look and match well with Hokkaido scallops? 😅
Our style is to cook them boldly in a fisherman's style.👍

Title: ほんさか。
Fri 22nd Sep 2023 [12:31]
Name: kaikaya bts

They (red grouper) came from Chichijima Island in Ogasawara Village, 1000 km from Tokyo. But surprisingly, Chichijima is in Tokyo. Tokyo is surprisingly large, isn't it?

Title: ほんさか。
Sat 22nd Jul 2023 [12:05]
Name: kaikaya bts

"OJISAN" is a common name for middle-aged men in Japan (with a bit of disdain or inverse familiarity).
The fish is so called because it has two beards.
But it is still good to be called "OJISAN. When you start being called "OJII-SAN," you have to look back on your life.
So, the real name of this fish is "HIMEJI". It has nothing to do with the Japanese castle in the World Heritage Site.

Title: ほんさか。
Sat 15th Jul 2023 [12:20]
Name: kaikaya bts
カマス、舌平目、メバル、鮑など、赤と黒の違いで区別され、格差の付く魚介類は数々あれど、「ムツ」ほど格差の激しい魚は他にはありません。しかも、それは味の格差ではなくマスコミのふれ込み・過大宣伝による人気の格差であります。なので今日はこの不当に扱われている 黒ムツ君達を我が家に招待致しました。 小柄な子達ですのでグリルでお出しします。ではでは
There are a number of seafood species that are differentiated by the difference between red and black, such as barracuda, tonguesole, flatfish, rockfish, and abalone, but no other fish is as differentiated as the "MUTSU". Moreover, it is not a disparity in taste, but a disparity in popularity due to mass media publicity. Today, I brought home them "KURO-black-MUTSU" that treated unfairly.

Incidentally, "red" trades at three to four times the price of "black".

Title: ほんさか。
Sat 17th Jun 2023 [11:41]
Name: kaikaya bts
今日は早朝からドピーカンで豊洲を通り越して九十九里まで行きたい気分でした。この魚たちは「鮮魚のグリル 開花屋スタイル」としてテーブルに上がります。

A break in the rainy season.
It was sunny from early morning today and I felt like going past the fish market to the surf point. These fish will be served on your table as "Grilled Fresh Fish KAIKAYA Style".