Title: いつも有難うございます。
Wed 14th Apr 2021 [13:06]
Name: kaikaya bts
In Japan there is a proverb, "fortune and misfortune are intertwined," meaning that happiness doesn't last forever, and unhappiness is not permanent either. It is just like how a woven rope comes to the front and them wraps around the back. Or that is its meaning, but the rope in front of us now perhaps has a somewhat loose weave, and the thread that went around the back doesn't seem to come back in front of us. Restaurants all started closing at 8:00pm the day before yesterday in Tokyo due to a government order. I also received almost no guests yesterday and the day before yesterday. But now is the time for safety first. I will persevere until the number of new infections per day in Japan drops below 100 people.
*The photo is yesterday's lunch scene. 10 kitchen staff ate up the meat of center bone of 183 kg of Bluefin-tuna from Nachi, Wakayama, which I bought from a tuna shop in TOYOSU Fish market for 3000 yen.